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Saphiree, 31 y.o.
Les Ulis, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2010
hahahaha i like english too XD The only subject i dont like is history, i just love to learn things. School in the usa sucks. i havent been to school anywhere else, but it has to be better somewhere. its a place where nobody cares about learning anything, the course goooooesssss slloooowwwww and we only get taught the basics of everything, we never get to learn the cool stuff! And the teachers suck they dont care about you learning it, just their paycheck and most dont even know what the hell they are talking about. on the bbright side, theres lots of extracurricular activities, unlike some places that only have the core classes, so that is really nice!

what are your favorite books to read?
inactive user
ca va bien j'ai habite a maryland
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2010
Salut! ^^
Je suis étudiant hahaha! J'ai mes dernieres examens! =D
Et toi? ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2010
i like math but i mostly like to study languages! :D im sure you are plenty talented lol.
inactive user
You're welcome! :3

Yes I sure do write stories. (: Right now most of them are fanfictions based off of animes and movies. :D
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2010
I am learning French but I'm not very good. I'm trying to read Le Petit Prince at the moment.
I love French, English and German. I'd like to take Drama too but I haven't had the chance yet.
I'm great except for I'm a little stressed because I have exams.

Whta about you, how are you?
What's school like in France?
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2010
yesssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hat would be really great
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2010
Oooo hihi

of course i know them!!
it is too bad that they are in some conflicts these days
but i'm sure they have a wonderful voices!!
their harmony sounds awesome doesn't it
inactive user
Hello and nice to meet you too!

I don't know how well I'd do, but if you would like I will gladly help you with improving your English. =)

I'm pretty good. How about you? (:
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2010
J'ai retournée hahahaha :D
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