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Serena, 24 y.o.
Ballymoney, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for



High school


Professional Napper!

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2015
Hiiii :D haha it's okat too!
How's your exams going?
My final exams start this week too :(
Haha yes, sometimes i think i might give up with Irish haha
I'm doing great too!
Hope to hear from you soon :D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2015
Hello :D sorry for late reply T.T
How are you doing?
Oh, and thank you for taught me Irish :D
I've tried to speak it but it's harder more than Spanish haha
I hope you're doing great in UK :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2015
inactive user
Hi Serena!!! Nice to meet you !!!
Really?? Thanks!!!
inactive user
Hi Serena!!! Nice to meet you !!!
Really?? Thanks!!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2015
yes, of course ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2015
Haha for sure! I read some Manga like Reborn. Hmm...I'm thinking I might bored when I went outside but If i'm in the house, I won't bored lol
Woah! That's cool! I wish I could visit Ireland some day :D
I want to learn about 'Hi, What's your name.' like basics phrases :D
inactive user
Happy birthday! :3
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2015
Actually, I can go abroad if I had enough money and If I can go study abroad with scholarships then I have to be very very very very diligent and work hard but I'm not haha
Hmmm...I enjoy reading just comic books and novels but not the text books haha Do you like reading text books?
I love UK then because of the rain lol
Oh, no I'm still learning it for a beginner. You can speak Irish?? Please teach me some basics stuff. Oh, what does that mean? lol
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2015
I still study in Thailand :( I really want to go to study in abroad but I can't afford the money. I'm going to study about the Librarians thing...It's called IS but I think it's from Information Service...I guess...
Oh, that's too bad but I really love rainy season! It's soooo cool when you want to relax and yeah sleep all day. hahaha
But what!? It's still raining in Summer all the time?? I meant everyday!?
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