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Ryan, 37 y.o.
Calgary, Canada [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 94.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2011
Hi.! how are you?!
inactive user
Hey Ryan

How have you been? Good luck wherever you may go...:) Write about anything you can! Lately, besides work, I was able to go for a day trip to the States with my sister. It was a pre-birthday "celebration". (My birthday is in a couple of days..:)!) Keep well! John
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2010
Hello everyone. I'm sorry I have not responded to some of your messages. I've been very busy lately and have not found to time to really sign on. I'll be leaving soon... So, it was nice getting to know all of you.. Goodbye my friends. I might sign on a few times here and there before I leave. So feel free to write a message or 2. I'll be sure to read and respond if possible. Take care.
inactive user
Hey Ryan, Thanks for your email. Well, things are not really good and not really bad. I always hated to wait until something happens and this is what I live since a while. I hope things are going well for you :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2010
hey! Nice to see more fellow horse lovers on here =) Hows things?
inactive user
heey Ryan, I feel really sick today :(:(haha
hows your easter going?
inactive user

Studying, studying, studying .. that was my day ;) hehe
My family came around on Sunday for having coffee and cakes.. What did you do during Easter?
inactive user
Hello... =)
Oh all on good.... Simply now at me session, very big loading... =)

How are you doing?
inactive user
hi Ryan.

Oh, Everything is just perfect. How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2010
Hi, Mm.. fine I guess xD .. how's everything going there?
Yeah.. though I was soooo sleeepy al day long T_T how was yours? what have u done today? xP
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