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Rus2, 81 y.o.
Grand Prairie, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10
How are you doing?
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2023
inactive user
inactive user
Hello my friend Rus
How are you
I hope you are fine any you could to accept my friend request
Thank you

Stay safe
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2021
The Earth has been going through various periods of warmth and cold for hundreds of thousands of years. When I was in school we were taught that we were in a warming period. No one knew how warn it would get or how long it would last. There is no question that humans have had some impact on the climate, I question just how much of an impact we have had really. And if we were to be able to stop or reverse what we have done what kind of impact would our actioms have.

I hope you arte well and wishing you a good day. Tomorrow is Fathers Day in the US. I am looking forward to it.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2021
Hello am Abraham Sannoh Barthan from Liberia West Africa and I want to be your friend.
inactive user
You take care stay safe, very nice to chat to you. I hope the weather starts being kind to you.
inactive user
Your welcome, thank you for the reply.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2021
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