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Rose, 31 y.o.
Amsterdam, Netherlands [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 158.
inactive user
Hey can you teach me the dutch basics ??? :D I love this language. And I won't ask you if you give me your msn!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2011
Hey :)
Are you living in Amsterdam since a long time ?
I'm going there in May with 3 friends, and I'll like to know what are "the places to see" there :)

Nice to meet you,
inactive user
way too long! well not in the restaurant, but still the same hotel! How are you doing?
inactive user
hey rose! how are you doing?
inactive user
Cool I've learned some Dutch 'Ik ben naakt lol
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2009
Ik ben matthias, woon in belgie, west-vlaanderen en ben op zoek naar een penvriendin. Mijn hobbies zijn: koken, schrijven, weggaan met maten, … tot gauw
[email protected]
inactive user
yeah, you should try and get onto it'd be great to chat. But if you cant, here is fine :P Howcome you never come on interpals anymore?
I'm doing great thanks, tomorrow i start my butler job, in the same 5 star hotel but its a kinda of promotion from what i was before.
So im hoping it will be fun!
That's great to hear, what did you get up to on you're holiday?
inactive user
hey Rose! how are you doing? its been ages!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2009
heyy :)
I'm tess
how are you?
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