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Phool , 32 y.o.
Saint George, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 70.
inactive user
Idiot! Why the hell you don't send me a message huh? :P I miss you too, silly! T_T
I guess you need an adviser huh? :P tell me, dude ;) Im always happy to help you, little Paul :P
inactive user
inactive user
Happy Birthday, Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best wishes for you!!!
inactive user
Hahahaha! Thanks for the photo's comment! :P
inactive user
hey :-)
how are you?
i got your letter thanks ^^*
work is sooo hard?
inactive user
fusion te has olvidado de mi U_U ahi U_U y tu?
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2012
its nice to me u too
inactive user
Oww I didnt know til now ;))
inactive user
so tired these day..........
T-T when you online ?
inactive user
Why you say you're forever alooone? I wanna know, i think its weird.
How was your week of exams?
How are you?
Are you in Pensylvania?
And for end, I like your taste music, musics, eow.
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