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Batman, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
inactive user
Rock on \m/
inactive user
hi how are you =)
inactive user seems Batman is too bussy theese days...=:)
...hows going?=:)
inactive user
...huh...more metal??You're crazy....=:) ...if i could only be a magnet...=:)
inactive user
hey..are you intrested in becoming a foreign exchange student and come to ireland for a school year to learn the culture and the language?sta­­­­­y in a host family and go to a new school
then go to

or have you always longed to come to ireland in the summer but need a place to stay? then message me back..:D
my mum is a host mum to students and we take all kind of­­­­­d we are currently looking for some for June

let me know if you are intrested
inactive user
...mmm,new pics....niceeee.....=;) ...isn't that metal,too heavy for you?=:) ...but you really look so....mmmmm....yummmiiii!!!!!!=:)
inactive user
Im sneaky .. bout you ???/ u may tell somehting more about ur self , like in ur family ..
inactive user
HOWW R you !!!!?????@@@
inactive user
...sick?!Ohhhh,poor Batman.....=:( ...come to me,i'll heal you....=;)
inactive user
Aww, no worries :)

They certainly are, unless they are obstructing you in your work, as you write had been your experience at one point. Then it stops being amusing and starts being annoying. These types of people need to go away, they need to be put on an island and filmed, like "Surviv​or - narrow minded a** holes edition"​. Something like that ;)

Indeed, art in all shapes and forms are the expressed emotion/pass​ion/opinion of the artist and peoples opinions and expressions should always be respected if they're carried out in a respectful manner that does not harm anyone, even if you do not agree with them.

You're a very interesting individual my friend, stay that way please :)

Take care.

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