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Peter, 51 y.o.
Göteborg, Sweden [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Bachelor's degree
The Institute of Higher TV Education


TV Producer

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Hi.. Nice to make friend with you ^^ i am Tammy from Vietnam.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2016
You are welcome to Bhutan if you are interested for other cultures.
inactive user
Thanks for your message. Enjoy Japan trip with your family!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2016
sa wad dee ka
I am good.
nice to meet you Peter
inactive user
hi peter nice to know you
inactive user
Hello, Peter. thank you so much for your message to me.
and I'm really sorry for my late reply to you.

wow, would you tell me what kind of tv drama do you work with ? working in a tv industry sounds really interesting.
and, would tou tell me what kind of song does your wife sing ?
if I had a chance to listen to the song, I'd be happy.

by the way, I was surprised in that you gave me a greetings in
Japanese. have you ever learned Japanese before ?

well, thank you so much again, and have a wonderful weekend.
take care, arigato gozaimasu.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2016
Sweden is one of my favorite countries I have visited :)
I have seen only few swedish movies but I like them. especially Lukas Moodysson's.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2016
Thank you for your comment on my wall.
Have you already decided where to go?
I hope you have a great time with your family in Japan.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2016

Hi peter! Thank you for your message.
I'm not good at texting in English but I'm so happy too.
let's talk about lots of things. I hope it will be good relationship.
inactive user
Thank you for your message.
Nice to meet you.
I am happy to hear from Sweden!!
What kind of TV drama do you produce?
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