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PascaleAnja, 32 y.o.
Bern, Switzerland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 119.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2016
I like travel, history, culture, food, coffee, flower,movie,

Please send you mail to [email protected],[email protected]

skype liu3wei3 to know you.

Nice to meet you....

vic liu ....-.-
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2016
hi . how are you. i liked your profile. good actitud! well, i´m here to practice my english and make new friends! i really like it! i´m very easy going person and open mind. one of my dreams is travel the word some day. but need time and money haha.. ;)
i like your country by the way!
what do you do to have fun there?.. WE can practice spanish!!
and what can you tell me about you..
ok, hope we can talk. cheers fro colombia! :)
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2016
Ciao from italy hope to talk with u
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2016
Hahah that's ok. I met one of my best friends on this site, so I think it's a good place here :)
inactive user
7 years is quite a while, I guess you are one of the oldest member on this site. But i don't meat to offend you...
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2015
i learnt left handed but now I'm learning righthanded and its really difficult
inactive user
What sort of non-fiction do you read?

My present book is a comic fantasy novel with dragons aplenty and accompanied by hapless guards, a new king and an orang-utan who serves as a librarian. :)
inactive user
Hello Pascale, what books do you enjoy reading? Do you like fiction or non-fiction? At present I'm reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series but I might return to reading a few books by Wilbur Smith after this.
inactive user
I guess you could say that. I consider this stuff more of a learned skill though. Of course you can never learn or be taught creativity, you can learn the tools and processes that allow one to be creative. I'm nowhere as near as good as I want to be but I'm pushing to become better everyday.
inactive user
I never studied music in university but I did spend years learning/apprenticing under 2 composers that have worked for cirque du soleil, riverdance, Disney, etc...
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