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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 138.
inactive user
Hi, it's been a long time.... how are you doing?
inactive user
Iron boarding? Lol's long boarding. XD it's really fun. what I really wanna do is go sky diving and snowboarding. ;p

Haha good luck (;
inactive user
Oh....Ummmm my chicken is vegetarian. LOL
inactive user
Nooooo!! Chicken!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2010
The question is, Can Tuvok dance better than MJ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2009
Mike just ran through here. He was looking for you. <.< lol
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2009
hi just saw you sent me wall post ages ago.
did i ever message you,can't messaged loads of people,then people kept sending bitchy messages all the stayed off for a while
inactive user
Your pic seems like a symbol of my country.
That symbol is called "Tea-guk"by Korean people.
inactive user
LoL. I'm alright thank you. How are you?
inactive user
hi there...what's up? nice to meet you...I'm Jonathan from's England?
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