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Norbi, 31 y.o.
Kozármisleny, Hungary [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3561.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2014
Sziia. Boldog szuulinapoot :D
inactive user
I am happy to hear from u too! Arr..I 4th year started in January so I am quite am actually going on a field trip next week. It will take about a month I think. We are going to a rural area, give health education to the villagers and then learn how they are giving health care there. It will be interesting I a bit tiring. I am excited for that! How about u? How is ur band going? Anything interesting going on? And happy valentines day!^_^
inactive user
Hey Nobert!! Long time no chat! I wasn't using that skype account anymore ( in fact, I am not using skype anymore) And I was so busy! How are u doing buddy?!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2014
norbie norbie norbieeeee~~~!
hahaha omg I'm disappeared from here about a half year D:

how are you anyway? how's your day being a colleger? is it fun? :D
anyway my holiday will end up soon and I'm gonna start new semester this monday </3 hahaha

so, you bought smartphone now? kkkk
yes yes, I hope we can keep in touch more often T__T <3 take care, bro~~
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2013
i really like bela bartok! it took me a while to get into him as his style is so unlike many other composers but i realise his uniqueness is what makes him so good! hahaha i think so! nice to meet you norbi! im graham how is life in hungary?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2013
Bela Bartok! :D i think he is like the heavy metal of classical music
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2013
Hello Norbert! how are you? :D
inactive user
inactive user
ka :) haha sure yes
i though you are actor or that kind
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2013
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