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Niki, 30 y.o.
Fargo, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 27.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2018
It has been a bıt long tıme ha :)
inactive user
Cool shows you like
inactive user
Thanks! You should be disappointed to hear, then, that I cut it off yesterday (though with every intention of growing it back).
inactive user
Strange, I'm a history major and thought about doing Geology aswell :P
inactive user
You sound really cool
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2016
inactive user

inactive user

わたし( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)そのでんしゃ( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)のり、そのえき( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)いくひつようがありました。
しかし、でんしゃ( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)じかん( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)あわなかったため、えき( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)でて、タクシー( の, は, が, で, に, へ, を)そのばしょまでいきました。
inactive user
It should be one of the difficult part of Japanese.
Should I make some exercises?
inactive user
I will never do.
Do you have any specific problems or topics that you'd like to learn.
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