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NicoleMaier, 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 274.
inactive user
hello nice to meet you~~!!
inactive user
hey there :)
how are you? I saw that you own a blackberry too. would you like to connect with me by exchanging pin and/ or email :)
would be glad to get to know you.
take care!
inactive user
hi ! how are you ? ;)
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2009
Sure, you can come. I"ll be honored to give you a tour.
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2009
hi Nice to meet you.
I am top.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2009
Hello Nicole !!
I'm called Salomé ^^
We seem to have common interests :)
Would you like to be frien ? =)
inactive user
Hey (:
du sprichst deutsch?
gut =P
wie gehts dir?
ich mag deine Haare *_*
liebe grüße ..=)
inactive user
heey :D

how r u?
inactive user
hey..are you intrested in becoming a foreign exchange student and come to ireland for a school year to learn the culture and the language?sta­­­­­­y in a host family and go to a new school
then go to

or have you always longed to come to ireland in the summer but need a place to stay? then message me back..:D
my mum is a host mum to students and we take all kind of­­­­­­d we are currently looking for some for June

let me know if you are intrested
inactive user
Hello, nice to meet you :)
I'm Goeun.

how are you ?
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