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Nav, 35 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 250.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2011
hey there!
How's it going?
inactive user
to be honest i didnt like london that much lol i mean... its an amazing city, but just too cold and grey for me, would be depressed if i lived there xD
still dont know where im going in greece... but probably some of the islands :P
inactive user
How are you?
Im taking a gap year at the moment, i was too ill to start this year.
what are you up to?
inactive user
Hi! My name's Loïc. Yeah rugby is the best sports:)

Downhill consists to down a hill with a bike, that explains de name.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2011
haha yeah. did u know that german was nearly chosen as world's language? there where only a few votes which helped english to win ;)
I think u r right in this point, but u should hear russian! it sounds even more violent xD
no it's not. I was born here, but my parents are originally from byelorussia, and when they came here they decided to give me an 'international' name :D quite complicated I think.
haha sound great ;) just feel free to ask anything u want to know, ok?
yeah still in high school.. called Gymnasium in Germany, btw. but I'm in my last year and planning to go to university after my final exams. the problem is i still don't know where or what to study haha xD
what do u study? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2011
yeah so do I when I'm typing english xD but ur german sounds quite well so far!
haha I've been learning english for almost 9 years now, I think. quite a long time, isn't it?
oh, get well soon then!
[ it's okay, I can help u with ur german sometimes if u want :p ]
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2011
Guten abend ;)
mein Name ist Marc und ich bin 17. Nein, dein Deutsch klingt sehr gut bis jetzt :p
mir gehts super und dir?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2011
Probably should update pics :O
inactive user
Ha yer i know it!
yer the weather is annoying, its really sunny when i was at college and as soon as i finish for the summer ot goes cloudy and rainy, i've heard its meant to improve this weekend though.
I've been good thanks, i've not been up to much.
what have you been up to?
inactive user
hiya! yer it is pretty out the way!
there isnt much to do here, but its a nice area.
how are you today?
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