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Alien Princess, 26 y.o.
Montréal, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 155.
inactive user
Tu vas bien? ta mère? ta soeur? to père?
inactive user
C'est quoi ton phone?
inactive user
Once upon a time there was a story
too bad i don't know that story
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2015
Knock knock look who's back!
Btw thanks for your happy birthday for me lol
Come online asap!
inactive user
hiiiiiiiiiiiii =^__^=!! what kind of book do you read?what is your favorite ghibli movie?O: and other animation movie...have you watched hotaru no mori e..and the wolf children ame to yuki??if not they are really good :)..what are your favorite asian artist? listen to k-indie? do you have any suggestion kind of searching for new artist to listen or follow :)..OMG A WEREWOLF BOY WITH song joong ki!!? hihih i love it hihi and you love drawing ,art ...coooking (im not really good at it but i love watching recipes on youtube ) drama...have you watched pinocchio?O: ..and you live in canada...i live in montreal :) ...kk im annoying ...=-= gomen hihi but nice to meet you
inactive user
Leilaaaaaa heyyoo
I want your Line ID and Intagram
Are you here now? If youre here, reply to me
inactive user
Hii ~ Hii~ ヽ(◕u◕✿)丿
I looking for ong term friendship like you ~ <3
and I think we like do lot of similar things ~ I think we can stay great friends ^^
oh I sounds little strange >/////< sorry ^^
I hope you want write with me, and I hope we can stay very good friends ~ ヽ(^ㅅ^ ✿)丿
inactive user
inactive user
lets play starcraft :]
inactive user
I wonder who made it
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