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Minna Nilsson, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 211.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2009

vad fotar du med för kamera? :) Själv fotar jag med en Nikon D90 och ett 18-200 mm objektiv. :)

inactive user
thats good :)
do u have sibs?
inactive user
from the net? I have often said that the cameras that come from the net are not so good xD
inactive user
oh ok...r ur parents supportive of wat u do?
inactive user
Also I like photography but in the city where I live there is even a shop where to buy a "real" professional machine in my school had to do a course for beginners only who have not organized anything!!=(
inactive user
LOL the way,do u buy your cameras on your own?
inactive user
like wat?
well ok..
inactive user :)
so hows life going these days?
inactive user
lol u interested in weapons?wat kind?
inactive user
ok...well except 4 photography,wat else r ur major interests?
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