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Miguel, 32 y.o.
Sevilla, Spain [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
Escuela politécnica Superior

Relationship status


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 37.
inactive user
Pim, encantada Miguel!
inactive user
Muy bien gracias
Cómo te llamas?
inactive user
Hola! Como estas?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2015
Sé que tengo que trabajar duro, sin embargo, haré lo mejor que pueda :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2015
Un bonjour de France ;) Si quieres hablar conmigo en francés, no dudes en pedirme! vale? :)
inactive user
Haha shits always happen :D but seriously ? Army ? Really ? ,oh come heree all baklavas are yours !
inactive user
Migimmmmmmmmmm !
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2015
Por que no me dijiste antes...jaja
He perdido algo asi :(
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2015
Hey dude, how are you? I study Mechanical engineering here, in Brazil and I would like to be your friend and I kind of do need your help :-P. It's that I'll study in Spain for a year and I have some questions about the universities in there, so, if you could answer me a few questions and want to make a new friend form Brazil, I will be very happy. I speak english, spanish and, of course, portuguese. I love play guitar, music and go out. Thank you. Waiting for answer.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2014
Cada estación tiene su encanto, ninguna supera la otra, pero me gusta el invierno porque el snowboard es mi deporte favorito...provoca una subida de adrenalina. :D

Desafortunadamente, ya sé cómo es estar en el invierno sin nieve. Fue uno de los momentos más tristes de mi vida.
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