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What are you doing now?
I am Lars from Germany, nice to meet you. I am glad when we can write..
Greetings Lars

how are you? I'm sorry it's been a while I haven't reply to ya! Recently I've been busy with a lot of work.. You know, it's the last year of high school and the most important for us here :S so the teachers give us too much work really.
Anyway I hope to hear from you soon! I'm kinda back on here! x)
Take care ! ;)

yeah I wanna visit your city too, it seems awesome! The landscapes and the life in USA seems very awesome. People here are very impressed when one of us go there, cuz it seems far away and ..awesome! xD the way of life seems different of us too, that's interesting!
Oh my!!! niagra falls?? AWESOME!! I envy you so much! xD you'll tell me about that when you're back, okay? xD lol
oh that's right some parts in Canada speak both french and english. So you gonna practice :) especially in "Quebec" right?
Have a good vacation! :)
my school starts on september, how about yours? :)

It's annoying XD
haha Amelie once and Elouise? I don't know them, what are these? :)
Yeah I live near the Alps xD but exepted during winter, there's nothing special to do in here. Oh Ski and landscapes are awesome, but I prefer the beach and sea! so you're very lucky to have grown-up near the beach!
Yeah I've been to Marseille! In fact, I'm just back from there! I spent some days there for vacation :)
This city is so coooool! I'm really missing there, it's a thousand times better than Grenoble! The beach is very cool, and there's always something to do there! But I got sunburns hahaha XD Marseille's sun is strong and I did not apply sunscreen on my skin XD
what are you doing these days? :)

I want to get a job too, but in France it's pretty hard to find a job under 18 years old. So I guess I won't work this summer again.
By the way your job seems very cool! isn't it?
yeah it seems that those movies are very oooold movies! I think that's why you don't know them. But it was interesting! It's good to learn english and at the same time learn about foreign history.
Do you see french movies?
I think too! english is so goood! and I love the accent! xD
I live in Grenoble, it's a city near the mountains called "the Alps". It's a lovely city and there are beautiful landscapes in the mountains. But I think I'm gonna move to Paris next year, to study in university. Paris is the best in France! xD
Which city do you prefer in USA? :)

How are you today?
I'm sorry for this late reply, I was studying a lot for my exams. It's over now, so I'm free XD
Yeah I think french is a cool language, and when you've learnt almost everything, it can be easy. But our accent is special, don't you think? :) hard for foreigners I guess. But foreigners' french accent is lovely! xD I love that! :)
I love to learn english too, very cool language. Oh the most of the time teachers show us movies. For example I saw dead poets society, rosa parks history, MLK and barack Obama's speechs, movies about the hollywood ten...etc
They don't show us music, cuz most of young people of here already listen to american music! xD
btw it's been a long time I've not heard about Kyo!

haha can you tell me the names of the bands and singers that your teacher show you? xD I'm curious haha
Do you like to learn french? I think it must be difficult am I right? Because I know that when french is not your native language, it's very difficult to learn cuz there's too many things to know, and I understand people OMG! xD

my mail is [email protected] .
if is possible, i want talk with you.
Hello ! I'm Tifaine ! Nice to meet you !
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