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Marti, 29 y.o.
Milan, Italy [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 191.
inactive user
Happy birthday darling <3
inactive user
YES! I have facebook! You can add me if you want <3!/sonja.renae
inactive user
Hey, so I just remembered about the 1D coming near your town :D :D Did you get to see them? :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2012
Sii e anche i parenti :)
inactive user
haha because I make weird choices that are bad xD
Nothing too major just retarded teenager stuff :D
inactive user
Thats soooo amazing :'D
One day I want to visit Istanbul in Turkey, it's my dream city <333 and I am in loooove with Italy so I dearly want to spend time there :')
inactive user
Oh my godddd!!!! You have got to hug Niall for me if you get the chance!!!! I'm so happy for you! That's so exciting!
What all else are you going to do? :D
inactive user
you're sleeping or sleepy? lol

Aha you mean she gave you a zero mark or something?
inactive user
Ah, sisi...Capito :(
inactive user
your english teacher :D
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