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Amanda, 31 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2015
Hi ,my name is Vahid, I'm from Iran and I speak Persian. I'm studying English at college, and I like to have an English speaker friend, native or non native, to improve my speaking. Can you be kind enough To help me? I can help u with Persian and Iranian cuIture in return if u want.
Thanks in advance, Vahid.
inactive user
Nice to meet you, My name is Wayne Ruan. I am 13 years old(My birthday is on November 2nd), I came from China and moved to USA about 4 years ago, I move to America because my parent wanted me to have better education and job because of the economy currently in China. I know how to speak Chinese and English(I am currently learning English), Everyone in the USA are so friendly and nice to me, I am so grateful about it. It inspires me to make new friends from around the world. I am excited to meet new friends like you :) Hopefully we can be good friends. :)

My Favorite Hobby is Music, I usually listen to any kind of music but only music that doesnt have Bad words with it, But I just listen to random musics. :) I also play the Clarinet since last year, It is very easy to play and i think it is very cool. I have a lot of favorite movie to say but i just cant name them all since there were too many. Haha:). My Favorite Sport is Basketball and Soccer and a little bit of Ice Skating/Roller Skate (but I am not really that good at it and I fall down a lot.) I only have tried it once and it is very challenging. :) What about you? I hope we can be great friends and hopefully we can keep in touch in Emails or Interpals or Facebook or Skype. :) You seems like a very interesting and nice person. :) Nice t o meet you

P.S: Get to know me, and you will see i am a good friend. :)

Keep in touch,
Wayne Ruan
Reply - Conversation - Apr 17, 2011
Hii i'm erin.
i love your profile with all the star gazing and slow dancing comments <3 haha the best!
I love going clubbing and any type of nightlife scene. I love shopping and my addictions are shoes and clubbing clothes.
I love linking park also, escape the fate, mayday parade, red (<33333), breaking benjamin (similar to red), bullet for my valentine etc (all rest is on my profile).

inactive user

watcha doin
inactive user
lol ahh u dud..
inactive user
"impatient for a statement" haha DEFINITELY me lmaoooo...well like to get responses when i talk lol :P
inactive user
heyy how u doin?..

u havent replied back to my last inbox msg lol.. how was ur day?..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2011
Hello Amanda !

Sup how have you been ?? Soo how was the saturday party ? any juicy interesting stories ? SO if I'm not mistaken yours is next week right ?

Ughh I was ok too, managed to swim for the first time since I came to Sydney (afraid of sharks!!) and also went to the city for saturday night ... but then had to stay up got shitloads of work for school ><
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2011
Help me in away that i should have access of sharing some education, languages and other private things i don't know of u but don't try to be so harsh like that please!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2011
I was just begging U to send me your email address just coz i would like to keep on sharing some ideas with u and mine is [email protected] IF U FEEL LIKE U ARE READY.

Just help please.
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