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M_JEONGEUN, 35 y.o.
Iksan, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 133.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2009
그러게~ 히잉~ ㅠㅡ
오랜만이야!! >_<
요새 이메일만 체크하고 노느라 바빠(?)서 ㅋㅋ 인터팔을 거의 안했던듯 ㅎ

요샌 머하구 지내니??
난 그래도 이번방학땐 책 쫌(?) 읽은듯 ㅎㅎ ^^
맞다!! 너 엠센 있다고 하지 않았나?? 0_0
inactive user
모했어 그동안~~~~~
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2009
Your welcome and thanks !

Lets be friends!
inactive user
hey hey!!

Yesterday, I went to a friend. There was a small group. We played at the "pétanque" ( it's a french game popular in southern france)
After, it was bathed in the pool because it was sunny and warm!!

Today was rest, sleep, tv!

And U ??? how are U ??

Miss U too!!

xo xo
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2009
XD Ah sorry I was walking a little huhu ~~
inactive user
알바 관뒀어?
그럼 이제 돈만 남는구나 누나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이제 신나게 놀면되겠네..
적당히 돈좀 써가면서 ㅋㅋ
inactive user
방학동안에 뭐했어~~~
친구들이랑 놀러도 가고 그러지..
나도 속초갔다왔는뎅~ 히히
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2009
Ahahah ! ~~
Me, gooooooooood XD
inactive user
익산이 전북인가?
경기도면 갈텐데...여기서 가까워서..
학교 목포에서 다니기는 하는데..
그것도 뭐..멀어서 집에는 잘 안오니까 학기중에 ㅋㅋ

그럼..왕도가 없지!!!!
열심히 그냥 파는거야!!
inactive user
열심히 ;)
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