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Ståle, 39 y.o.
Lillehammer, Norway [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
inactive user
Lillehammer is in such a beautiful part of Norway. You are quite fortunate!
inactive user
Hey mate! Greetings from Venezuela. Nice profile. I'm looking for friend to improve my english with.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2012
Hello! Somebody's missing you:)))
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2012
how are you?
than you live?
inactive user
Hello Friend
How are you? Guess fine. First, my name is Anna, I'm young good looking girl,kind and friendly.Well i came through your profile and I decided to drop you a note.Meanwhile could you write me something more about yourself while i get back at you including my picture? Contact me through my private address.
Have a very wonderful day.
([email protected])
kiss with love and trust
inactive user
you are from lillehammer too!hihi!
inactive user
Have a nice day.
inactive user
But why?!? Winter is just around the corner! I'm doing well, I never get to talk to you anymore... Do you have Skype? I have it on my phone now and could ring you up, if you wanted. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2011
yay elsker norsk haha!
Aah ok :) Jeg har kun 1 semester tilbage. er på mit 6. ud af 7. Haha jeg studerede også til dyrlæge assistent inden.. man har vel lov at forsøge sig med lidt forskelligt :D
Ja, det er en special skole for autister, downs, fysisk handicappede.
Hvad lavede du i spanien? Lyder cool! Jeg har lige været på ferie i Spanien. Er du god til Spansk? Habla espanol? Lol.. jeg havde spansk på gymnasiet. Er ikke god.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2011
Ja! Meget :) Just the education for me! Hvor langt er du i studierne?

Kan du læse dansk? Jeg er dansker. Men bor i England.
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