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Lostboy1973, 51 y.o.
Hoover, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 107.
inactive user
Give me your yahoo
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How are you?
inactive user
well it has been up and down like crazy. last night me n my bf had a huge fight but we k bc he let a girl get between us. he let a girl bitch a me for no reason.he told me the girl tried to break us up.
inactive user
Happy Birthday Bri!!!
inactive user
Hey Bri,

That is great about you switching to a new job and I hope you enjoy it!!!!
I am okay but hubby got laid off last month and it hasn't been easy but it will be better when the unemployment card gets here to get us by til he finds a job.
The weight loss is going. I am not losing as fast as I want to but I am walking every night on the trail and measure my food every time I eat.
I actually live 3 hours from the farm so I don't get to be with the baby goats which sucks :(
inactive user
im good just the fact i fell a few nights ago when i climbed out of bed my right leg gave out buried my foot my right ankle hurts and the sole of my foot hurts.
inactive user
How's it going Bri?
inactive user
Hey Brian,

I am doing well. I hope you have a great day at work :)'re too nice!!! My 2 sisters are much smaller than me now and I am tired being the *bigger* sister and my goal is to lose 20 pounds at least! :)
I have learned to crochet cause I spent a month at my parents house last month.
My parents have had 6 baby goats born in the last few days this month. They are the cutest babies ever! Leah's cousin Ruby had babies that looks like her and her other cousin Milo. If Leah didn't miscarry last month at 3 weeks her baby probably would've looked like Lucy :)
inactive user
Hey Brian,

Wow! A cruise!!! That sounds like a lot of fun!!! ;) I am glad you had a good time though!!!!
We decided I will be a homemaker so I've been walking on a walking trail that is down the street from our apartment every day to lose some of my belly that is bugging me lol (You know how women are about themselves).
He loves his job cause it pays a lot more than his other job that my brother-in-law works at. He is going to night school once a week and at the end of every semester he gets a raise which is awesome!!!
We are deciding on a baby next year because he gets insurance in end of december/beginning of january. I need to find a specialist before I do get pregnant cause it will be a high risk pregnancy.


inactive user
We have our own place and wanting to start a family December 2012/january 2013! :)
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