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Julie, 27 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2016
Hello :)
You look so kind
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2016
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2016
I can teach you french! Joke hahahaa
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2015
txt me when you get your phone !!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2015
Heu Julie i was so warried about you are you okay ?? 괜찮아??
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2015
Happy Birthday , Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Julie ! I hope you enjoy your day <3
Best wishes your pfl word friend Benny xD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2015
Ohhhh thanks Julie , wonderful to have you as friend ^_^
Now i know the differend between a rabbit and a hare ... thanks for that btw xD
Enjoy your studying and learn maaaaaany languages ! :)
best wishes your Eichhörnchen friend Benny :3
P.S pfl words are still weird xD
inactive user
Yep, I'd hate checking too often as well. I'd rather write down long bits of nonsense haha.
Nah, don't apologize. That's a little funny because you look korean lol. I would have thought you were, just based on how you look.

Well, every dude here has to do 2 years. It is compulsory. I have 1 year and 1 week left. And then,I'm FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Lovebirds are just awesome and very cute. I just adore the hell out of them! What pets do you have ?

I watched Elfen Lied when I was 13 and it left a deep impression on me. The blood and gore was a plus to the well crafted plot. I loved it's portrayal of the dark side of human nature. I also watched Hellsing,Code Geass and Fullmetal Alchemist and probably a couple more in the past. I watched animes but I don't read manga.

By the way, I really really appreciate that you sent a message first. I'm new here, so yea :)
inactive user
I particularly liked one called Elfen Lied. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on everything. Thanks! :D
inactive user
- Salut/Hi there! I've just started learning French. It seems very complex and yet all the more beautiful . I hope to be fluent in it, as I'd like to visit France one day. Damn! You're learning so many languages. Are you taking classes for all of them or learning by yourself?

I'm currently serving my last year in the army now, and it's a little hard to learn. I'd appreciate all the help you can give... My proficiency in English is somewhat decent, so if need be, I can help you out!

How's it like over there? I've heard many good things about Paris.
Do you have pictures of your drawings? I'd love to see them. I used to do art for my secondary school exams.
This was one of the pieces:

I used to cycle overnight with friends when I was in polytechnic. We'd get lost most of the time, and I loved it.
I have a pet lovebird too. I'm convinced lovebirds are the master race.

Oh, and I used to watch a couple of anime (animes?) in the past.
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