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Lionel, 30 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
Okay :D
inactive user
i have learned french for 4 years :D
inactive user
Yea same here :D
inactive user
Hi :) thanks for say that !
inactive user

Yea but currently I'm playing Smite

Thank you, bye :)
inactive user
Hi there :D
what's up? :3
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2014
Ahah xD
I know that if i'm starting ranked, I will never stop playing :0
So .. ^^

You like K-Pop too, that's great :D
inactive user
Yeah I have the same feeling, too xD
Or get to like Plat and then decays to Bronze because you are afraid to play
inactive user
I haven't played ranked in a while hehe x)
I can't even win against my little brother (who is Diamond). So yeaaaaah...
inactive user
Hey thanks for leaving a message :)
I'm German!! x) And I can be your friend,too :P
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