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Emma, 30 y.o.
Messery, France [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Regina Spektor is amazing, and I love her song The Call. That's the 1st song I heard by her, but I think my favorite would actually have to be Blue Lips. Kind of a weird name, but it's such a pretty song! :) What are some other artists you like?
inactive user
I love Avatar too! Such good animation. I haven't seen Alice in Wonderland yet, I had the opportunity to see it in 3D and I'm regretting not seeing it. So I have to wait for a long time to see it because I live in a really small town so it takes a long time for our theatre to get new movies. We're still playing Avatar, it's been held over for weeks ;)
inactive user
Hi! I'd speak to you in French but my French isn't very good. So I'll just say, Hi, my name is Teagan and I love the sun and music too. Also Glee! I'm so excited for it's return in the Spring :D
inactive user
hi so i'm sorta bad at this so i'm just gonna say hi i'm lauren.. lol :)
inactive user
Hii Im louise shervill
im 13
i live in the uk
i love sending and reciveing letters
i just wanted to know if you wanted to be my
snail mail pen pall
let me know please x
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2009
I have graduated from senior high school~ ^^

sorry,I was not here when you sent me the message,I was on my french lesson
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2009
merci~pourquoi pas? ^^

Comment vas-tu?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2009
^^ bonjour Emma­~je viens de chine..est-c­e que nous pouvons être amis?
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2009
Arrêêêêêêêêête. Tu vas me donner des envies de suicide.
J'aurais dû être là pour le voir, ça ._______.

OMG, un maillot noir ? **
Il a des lunettes ? *_____________*
Pfff, sérieux, je vais squatter chez toi. u_u

Naon, chte dis pas. r_________r
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2009
OMG Emmou.
No f*cking way.
Dis-moi que t'as fait des photos de lui **
/j'imagine déjà le superbe L., faisant le mouvement l'Oréal, avec ses superbes cheveux mouillés *O*/

Et d'ailleurs, chte dis pas un truc. 8B
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