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Kristina, 44 y.o.
Austin, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 4682.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2017
Hey! I'm a Chinese american, does that count?
inactive user
Hello.... Texas..?.... Estas lejos Amiga...
inactive user
Oh really? Your dreams already came true!
I guess he was super hot:)))
Sure! it will be great. Where should I go to meet him? Haha
I really envy Kristen Stewart.
I heard He actually had asociated with her.
But I'm also fun of her. I would love to watch her latest movie.
inactive user
Hahaha Can we change our living town?XD
Japan is more near by Korea.
I have never heard Kim Jong kook. Is he acter?
Yes! He is great. And I would love to meet him someday:D
inactive user
Hi:) sounds great.haha

Yes I will meet my dreams fiancé one day.
He is similar to Michael Pitt. He is my first love.XD
If your fiance it's similar to someone?
inactive user
Hi:) happy valentine!
My weekend is great. I ate too much chocolates today though..haha happy
No this is my first time to talk US female friend.
Sounds great. I hope to have fiancé,too.xd
Reply - Conversation - Feb 13, 2016
Hi Kristina,
Sorry for no answer, I've just seen your comment on my wall.
Nice to meet you, I'm Leah :D
inactive user
Hi Kristina!
Please call me Kana:) sure.Anytime!
I have never talked US girl in here. So Im very glad to hear that.
How was your weekend?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2016
that good, im doing good thanks, yes im from Austin about you , you from Austin ??
inactive user
Thank you for comment:)
Frankly Im snail Penpal.haha so I hope we can be friends;)
Im interested in US!
Can I tell me your name?
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