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Klemen, 31 y.o.
Å kofja Loka, Slovenia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 138.
inactive user
Thank you my friend
inactive user
Pardon me for being so stupid,but what is couchsurfing?
inactive user
I found you ^_^ I think
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2012
Happy late Birthday Klemen!! :)
inactive user
what do you know XD
inactive user
boooo ! :D
inactive user
Haha that is understandable ^^' It reminds me, have you ever put salt in food instead of sugar, or vice versa? I admit nothing xD
It isn't actually so hard to take care of them. They even have quite a good time with each other, so they aren't 24/7 begging for attention ;) Yep they are very skinny, but somehow I find it beautiful, like all exotic looking animals or even people =P I see, you have a MYSTERYDOG ! Do you have any pictures of him/her on Internet? :D
inactive user
Ahhh SALT :DD Now I understand!! xD
That one was a Collie, there's four of them in my mum's apartment. Plus I have my very own Azawakh (It's a sighthound :D) She's just crazy :D
What breed are your dogs? ^^
inactive user
Cause I would fail ordering the frankfurter xD Marshmallows are also awesome but SOIL? O___O Really?? Isn't it a bit unhealthy? You must be trolling, right? xD Well, dunno about eating of soil, but sleeping in a tent is fun :DD If there just isn't too noisy wild animals D: Scaryy!
Yeah he probably won't bite, but his murdering gaze is.. well, murdering !!
Ps. my dog clearly wants to write to you :)
inactive user
Very true xD Thank god they don't sell hot dogs in my town, I would be
eating the bread rolls only :D MMmm mustard with a sausage made on camp fire... :D Always thinking about food ^^'
Hehe sarcasm ;) Some are quiet, some are not, like in other countries as well :) I asked about the exchange from our school's students' union yesterday, and they didn't know anything more than me =P And I don't have enough poker to ask from our group's leader 'cause everyone is afraid of him xD
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