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Justno, 35 y.o.
Hjørring, Denmark [Current City]



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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 339.
inactive user
God bless you brother :)
inactive user
yeah of course i know that some people are not
much educated and they make us mad at them
but this should not persuade us to scorn the all .
SO I Understand from yor comment that
something goes wrong with you frm somebody
else . isn't it?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2015
Your favorite music very cool \m/
But hope you not hate me also haha
inactive user
greetings hermosa!!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2014
Happy birthday!
inactive user
Yeah, my cousin is ..... (moving on)

I have a presentation that I must present. I'm doing it in a group and I hope I do well. The topic.....too boring to say but it's about the Knowledge Economy in the city of Charlotte. :P

What about you?

inactive user
Then sleep! XD It's like what midnight NO.....2 am over in Poland, right? My buddy is in Krakow studying ^^

I'd like to improve my French. My friend in Poland is French! :D

Some guy (my cousin) decided to act like a real idiot by sending really bad things to women, if you know what I mean? Interpals erased my profile and i had to start all over!! D:
inactive user
Thanks for the visit^^
Cheers from the U.S. :D
My profile got erased so I had to start all over! :/
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2014
Thanks for visiting! Greetings from Brazil :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2014
*jebudu Tarkanem i ucieka* heheszkełe.
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