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JohanNilsson, 35 y.o.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2007
Hæ, actully I dont have an MSN, sorry :(
inactive user
Well,,, watching TV or reading some books. like that,,,, what about u?
inactive user
Hello~what\'s up?
inactive user
hey, i\'m fine, just doing homework. you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2007
Hej, jag heter Björn. Greetings from the Faroe Islands. Hows it going?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2007
Tjenare. Jag heter Lila. Jag är 14 år och jag bor i Finland (Tampere). Jag talar lite svenska. Jag studerande svenska i skolan. Jag älskar musik. Mina hobbier är spelar fiol och gitarr och jag spelar en orkester men jag spelar också fotbol. :) Min favoritgrubb är My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To mars och Tokio Hotel!! <33

Jag söka nytt en brevkompisen. :)(I mean.. I searching new penpal.) Do you wanna be my penpal?

Sorry, maybe I speak badly swedish but I learning
inactive user
i would like to go to Stockholm one dayT^T
I listen music, internet, read some books...or i go out with my friends and we have fun...You?
inactive user
In Zadar :D
inactive user
I\'m good..just studying and wiriting letters (o.o)
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