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Jessica , 29 y.o.
Fürth, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
inactive user
do you have fb btw?
inactive user
Hallo ^^ u so cute:)
gut and dir?
ur welcome
inactive user
Good luck!! XD
inactive user
ohh really!?
I think kanji is too diifficult to remember...
so you got a good memory xD
inactive user
haha xD
wow really??
so you are already fluently in three languages 00
are ya learning japanese by your own??
inactive user
so you gonna be able to speak fluently in 4 languages at uni?XD
japanese is tooo difficult....!
inactive user

between german and russian?
inactive user
last year!??
Im in my last year, 12th grade...==

have u decided which uni to goo??
inactive user
you are student right?:p
which grade?
inactive user
ohh coool!! xD
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