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Jessica, 32 y.o.
Northfield, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
So, you play two instruments, it's so cool :) Well, winter is very cold this year in Europe, so we stay at home with music xD What about you?
inactive user
I like illurtation and graphic design. I very much enjoy to draw and paint as well.
English litterature seems like a good choice, veru usely I believe. There are a lot of options with that subject. Hm.. I don't know Cassandre Clare I must say, maybe I ought to check out her novels. Hehe I must have a chick flick with Jane Austen's novels.
inactive user
Hey, it's okay, I had to move to my new appartment so I was quite busy too ;)
I always wanted a pet snake, but my parents never wanted me to have one^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2012
Ok, thank you! :)
inactive user
Maggie Smith is hillarious in Downton =)
Oh really? I'm a sucker for any period drama I think!:D I adore anything by Jane austen!!! I really like the BBC adaptation of Jane Eyre too!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2012
Hi Jess, thank you for your post on my wall!
I think The Picture of Dorian Gray is a very interesting and particular book, because it describes in a perfect way the victorian society (which is not too different from ours) and the story is original, I read it very quickly!
Please correct me if I make some mistakes in writing in English... I'd be very happy to teach you something in Italian, just tell me what you'd like to know! :)
inactive user
Thanks:-) but I'm not studying at the university yet, but I'm applying this year. I'm studying at a 1-year course, where we learn to make the appilication for the university of design. Are you studying?
Thank you, what are your taste in books?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2012
Thanks for loving Italy. Unfortunately we have our share of problems right now, mostly due to the bad economy. And I can't foresee any solution in the near future.

Anyway, yes, reading your profile I got the impression that you loved to write a lot. :-)

Well, Italian, French, Spanish and Romanian share the same grammar and many words are similar, even though there are plenty of pitfalls as well. Good luck!
inactive user
I love all types of dance! Balet, Jazz, Hiphop, Popping, Locking, everything! But Unfortunely, I've danced only Ballroom dance and Latin ;((
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2012
Hi Jessica, thanks for stopping by. And congratulations for the profile, one of the most thorough and comprehensive I've seen on Interpals. So, what brings you to my profile, since I'm outside your age range? And, why on heart do you want to study Italian? :-) Take care, and I wish you'll find your close circle of friends. Buona fortuna!
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