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John, 31 y.o.
Rotterdam, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Sound Designer. Engineer


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 73.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 12, 2014
You're welcome! haha
Yea.i love the walking dead x) this movie is awesome!!
inactive user
No worries, I still understood what you meant :)

I´m still a student :) and what do you do for a living?
inactive user
Did you want to ask me, how I´m feeling?haha It means "Wie geht es dir" :) "was gibt es" means " what´s there, or what do I get.. xD

Well, it´s okay here :) from where are you?:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2007
poor dog 8< !! XDDD ...I have a dog and he barks a little, but he is so cute that I can forgive him *u*/
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2007
HEY ! don\'t bully that poor dog XDDDDDDDDD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2007
Haaahaa, that would be better XDDD I hope summer comes soooooon =___________=; I hate school atm. And my stupid class.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2007
hehehe, congratulations for that french thingie XDDD But it\'s good, that u didn\'t broke ur leg ! ^^ argh, tomorrow is a school day again =__=
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2007
Well, I\'m not fine today 8< I had a really really hard test and I didn\'t know anything, so I think I have to do that test again =__=;. I\'ll add ur msn today, ok ? ^^ Because I can see it in interpals right above XDD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2007
But I think I\'m not cool ^___^; Never been .___.;. But it\'s nice that you say so ^^. Everybody just thinks I\'m weird or just some angry human, but I\'m not XDDD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2007
Yeees, I can also say those normal things and some words and something really random XDDDDD And I can read hiragana and katakana. Maybe a few kanji >__>;;. Hey, U wrote that u don\'t want any european penpals, so I\'m european, Why did you come and talk to me then XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol.
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