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Anh, 34 y.o.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 612.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2013
Awesome! I can't wait to graduate too!
I've been busy with school. So nothing too exciting but I am leaving the country on the 20th. I can't wait. What have you been up to?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2013
Happy Belated Birthday! I just saw on my homepage that it's your birthday... and it seems most of my interpal friends have birthdays around this time. We all need to have an online birthday party some time

How have you been InitialA? Long time no chat. Hope all is good. I hope you're being 22 more than me... I am just realizing we are the same age for some reason.
inactive user
Hey Lady!
I see you haven't been on here in a month or so. I just wanted to say hey! I haven't been on here in ages, but I want to start writing with pen pals again. My life has gotten a little better sorted. I hope you are doing well. I will be on here a lot more often from now on, but I don't have computer access from work at the moment. Talk to you soon!!! Kayla
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2011
Oh. Sorry to hear that. What happened with your roommate? I heard people shouldn't move in with people if you haven't met them yet.
That's awesome! Why are you going there (dumb question, probably lol). I wish I could go to Costa Rica and Singapore too. But instead I'll be here in Canada. Actually, it's so warm these days. The odd day has been cold but a jacket usually suffices.
We do what a lot of my friends' families would do. We get together with our local family and sometimes family friends. We eat together almost everyday during the Winter Holidays. Christmas is a super too long of a day and New Years Eve is more for the adults to get together. I just sit in a basement with little kids - who are finally old enough to play video games with me. So I am looking forward to it!
Is Costa Rica your Christmas getaway! Have fun! Buenos voyage! Can I say that? lol.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2011
As for the "new style" I am just getting lazier these days lol.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2011
lol. Why did the plan change? Singapore would probably be nicer just because of weather... I assume anyways. Canada is cold lol.
I've been ok. I moved into this house back in September near my university and I had problems with my roommates so I ended up crashing at my friends for a month and now I am in a nice new home. I just had my first exam yesterday (Friday). Went well.
Are you ready for Christmas?
inactive user
Hey girl :3 Your FB message made me get on and check my profile on here. I miiiiisssss youuuu. I don't really have time for anything. I work full time, and it is just so much with school. That is really neat that you are working part time planning events for HS students, that sounds much more fun than retail! :p

Other than work and school, I have been up to NOTHING, well.. except for housework. Tomorrow, I am taking my puppy to the vets for her yearly. She needs vaccines and Heartgard. I got her a toy and treats to give her after, so she will be fine :P It is a new vet in a new place, so I hope she behaves herself!

I will get on Skype more one my office is put back together. I have to get the rest of my flooring to put down, so I haven't set my computer back up. Once that is done, I will be on a lot more :3
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2011
Ah really ?! Niice hehe did u went back to usa to finish your studies ? I am not studying in Beijing but in Xiamen south east just in front of taiwan in Xiamen University =)厦门大学
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2011
Who are you?
lol. I remember you! lol. How's life treating you, Initial A?
Does UBC stand for University of British Columbia by any chance? lol. If it is, then you're only going to be 4,000 km away from me lol.
Why are you going there? And I hope it's a good experience for you
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2011
bleh xD
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