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Lisa, 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 742.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2009
LOL nice incorporation of a comment that was a month ago to something relevent of now : D
inactive user
I would... but I don't ever have time to talk to you. I haven't been able to find you after english class for over a week now. I'm getting desperate.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2009
Hi yeah it have been a while, almost a month xD
They move the presentation date to 11/23, so we did a better job, it was great to do it
Got 17 of 20 points, so it was great but the engine broke at school so we had to repair it with adhesive ribbon ( idk how to say it in english, my dicctionary doesn't have it), it work at half of it's capacity, but it works xD
Ok i will add you :) See you on MSN xD, oh and do you use MSN all the time or only on special occations?
inactive user

How is dietz?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2009
Im sorry Lisa. Wish i could do something. THREE DAY WEEK!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2009
Ok, but even if you don't like Bayern we can be friends but i will bother you if they lose to Bayern xD (just kidding), Did your bother follow a lot of teams too? xD That's curious xD
So we are a little bit the same, I must do the Solar System, with movement and the movement must be an action of an engine! And all of that is for 11/9! Two weeks for that! So i will be a little busy on that, but i will try to appear here once in a while, so we can talk on msn, you haven't add me, or you have? You could give me your msn and i will try, because i will expende a lot of time on MSN
Well hope you have a good week, i will have a very moveing one!
See ya!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2009
Lol its kul. Eight days and your bound to forget something : )
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2009
Oh thats cool, playing the guitar is great, but i prefer drums, actually i played drums (long story)
I follow a lot of soccer team, I'm fan of Caracas F.C. (Venezuela), Boca Juniors (Argentina), Real Madrid (Spain), Paris Saint-Germain (Freanch), Arsenal (England), Bayern Munich (Germany), Juventus (Italy), Nagoya Grampus (Japan), those are a lot and those are only on soccer!
I follow Boston Red Sox on baseball and Leones del Caracas (Venezuela).
I follow hockey too xD Colorado Avalanche
And Basquet Boston Celtics and Cocodrilos de Caracas (Venezuela)
And Football too xD New England Patriots xD
Like you see i'm really into sports, but i don't practice tooo much, i prefer running
Well i'm christian too but i'm roman catholic, but i don't belive too much in Vatican City
I live in the city, so i don't have problems, but you must travel to the city from your town, or is your town a city?
And where are you? Are you traveling?
I feel that my city is the only exciting one around Interpals, and is all fault of the problems that are around us all the days xD
Well i hope you are fine and you finished all your proyects, works and test well xD
See ya
Reply - Conversation - Oct 16, 2009
What ewww?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2009
I will talk in English...
First sorry for my late replay, i'm in a test season so i'm studying hard. xD
I like this mode because i could tell you your mistakes (Of you want) and you could say mines... So we are helping each other xD
Omaha? Is it a native america name? It sound like one xD
Here in Caracas is not so boring, some people find it exciting but is very dangerous... so if you want to come here you must know where you can go and not go... But i could teach you xD
Yeap, I have 3 sisters xD Only my dad and I are the Only mans on the family xD
Do you have any e-mail or something? if you have msn it will be better xD Mine is [email protected]
Do you follow any sports?
Do you follow any religion?
How is your school? (Mine stinks xD)
Do you live in suburb or in the city? (here is a little complicated)
Well See ya xD
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