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Fredrika Sundblom, 35 y.o.
Västerås, Sweden [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 76.
inactive user
Finally another Elvis lover :-)
inactive user
Hallo,(what's the Swedish to Hallo?) cigar, guitar and haystacks - really original). I see that music is very popular in Sweden. What kind of it do you play? From Sweden I've heard only different types of metal).
inactive user
love your pics you are very pretty
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2008
hello there.hows going your weekend?
inactive user
i'm good. thanks :)
can you play the guiter (or other musical instrument) in a band??
that's cool!
inactive user
hi, how are you? :)
inactive user
Hej igen! ja e tondöv o har en gräslig sångröst men om man bortser från det skulle det vara himla kul att göra det med guns n roses med deras original uppsättning....håller med dej om INXS...vilken typ av musik lirar du?
inactive user
4 months is real long time to say in a foreign country , I agree with you
this is actually cultural exchange organisation that Iam into , via this organisation I am going to california for the whole summer time
but I also I am going to work there, it s not only for the vacation :)
besides that Im going to Miami to visit my pal , angelica which I met on this pal site, interpals,
overall I think it sounds fun . besides Im tired of the people in my neighborhood , I need to see new faces and the characters.
so u are being to festivals, ? are u professional musician , or u are gonna be there as an audience?
I always love the sound of classic/spanish guitar
if only I could play it so .
inactive user
Hey! Have you received the letter?
inactive user
your welcolm babe
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