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Logan, 34 y.o.
Seattle, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 114.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2012
Logan,how's it going dude.I see your trying to pick up some portuguese,I'm actually form Brazil even though my portuguese is not exactly perfect.It is good enough to get around,maybe i could teach some portuguese,if you teach me a thing or 2 about playing guitar.Always been interested but never got around to it.I live in Bellevue,let me know if this benefits you.

inactive user
Hi! :D I'm Carry. How are you?
inactive user
Hi, I'm Elif :) How are you :D

How long have you been playing the piano and guitar?
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2012
hi from Germany, u ve a great profile by the way,
would be cool when u write back ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2012
Do you live in the woods? I'd like to see Seattle and smell what everyone's talking about. Nothing like pine air freshener?
inactive user
hello :)
inactive user
Hii ^-^
How are you?
Interesting profile you got hihi. do you speak some japanese? :o
&im bit curious if you uploaded some of your music somewhere ;p
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2012
zebra de lumio conte vertily mumbrha!
inactive user
look* sorry typo.
inactive user
haha silly. well actually, i'm full asian! lol do i like mix with something else? people say i look mexican or filipino. haha.
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