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Helene, 30 y.o.
Drammen, Norway [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 485.
inactive user
Hey Helene,

psst. can I use you as a tool to learn more Norwegian, how do you think? in return, I can listen to you talking about Nikola Tesla, and make valuable comments, and I think that the life is unfair, too. I'm not very demanding, just trying to use my Norwegian on new people who aren't familiar with the way i mistreat it yet, it's a challenge.

Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2011
hi Helene i am fally nice meeting you i am just new on the site , can i be your friend
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2011
Hey Helene,

How are you ? Have you broken up for summer holiday ? How did you do in your exams ? Did you do well ? What is the weather like in Norway at the moment ? Warm ?

Hope your ok, be great to hear from you,

inactive user
yeah its pretty cool! yeah we learn about history and how to excavate (dig up) a site. we dont use any tools yet, maybe next semester = )
its pretty much the same as a solitary but with more energy around you and everyone has different skills and talents, pretty interesting!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2011
Hey Helene,

Great to hear from you and know your well :). That's good :), Holidays :). You got any holiday planned ? You won't get on the black list your really smart :).
I am good thank's I work part time now and I been busy with that. Apart from that just hanging out with friends, chilling and music. how about you ?

inactive user
Im a University now taking Archaeology : ) and have joined a Coven, no longer a solo practitioner!
inactive user
hey, haven't talked in a long time! last time we talked about Wicca, just wondering what you're up to now : )

Rach x
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2011
Hey Helene,

How are you ? How is everything with you ? Anything new ?

Hope your well, Be great to hear from you

Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2011
hi!!i'm sorry too late..ㅠㅠ
now, i don't have to wake up early. because the exam is over! so we vacation now>ㅇ<. so these day i'm learning swimming! it's really help for me.cause i just lounged around at home:p

um. the reason that difficult to get a job is just justify "youth unemployment". like america(i saw in TV,and heard rumor that america be in trouble cause unemployment.)

sorry for my broken english, and not now but snowed in korea.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2010
Dear Helene,

Happy Christmas. I hope you have a good day today and you for lots of really good presents.

Hope your well.

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