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Gosia_, 31 y.o.
Warsaw, Poland [Current City]


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Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 317.
inactive user
Hmm... Okayyyy. There are some chick flicks like devil wears prada or chocolat which are cool to watch. :) Some are equally bad I mean in a guy's perspective. One day when I feel there is nothing in this world I'll watch it :D
inactive user
Hi. Many would say Dirty dancing the 80's movie was the best and the rest bad, it's interesting that u like the second one. Why do u like the second one more? :))
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2015
can let be friend
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2014
Hi How are you are you
inactive user
inactive user
Mmh no but I read it when I want to have a good laugh, I could recommend also "Beppo" or some plays of Italo Calvino translated in English:)
inactive user
Bcs it's a novel!:)
inactive user
Mmh Byron's Don Juan?
inactive user
Gerne :) gut und dir ? :P
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