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Glauber, 39 y.o.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2015
Muito obrigada :) :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2009
How are you? Its been forever... what's new?

I am in France now, and when I got here, I met a bunch of students from Brazil, and they were so nice, I miss them since they left.. I have to come to Brazil soon..

Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2008
I am home right now... I am going to Florida for a bit over my Holidays. I leave January 11th for Strasburg.

I just found out 2 days ago, that the people who will be livng in the castle with us in france, are students from Brazil.. should be fun. I cant wait to meet them. :)

What are you up to? How have you been?
How is the weather there right now?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2008
Hey you what's up
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2008
Hi, yes, I have a korean freind and we write each other in isn't a very common languages but it is easy to learn and very nice =) work!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2008
Oh yesss lots has happened. I just been so busy with school. I went to Spain 2 weeks ago. I was in Madrid, and Barcelona. I had so much fun. It was beautiful. I leavefor France in 8 weeks to do my study/internship there. I cant wait, but at the same time im so going to miss all my friends here.
It has gotten sooo cold here. It has already snowed a couple times. I hate it... brrrr...
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2008
Hey, How are you doing? Been awhile, what's new?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2008
ahhh no way.. you should come too.... i can show u around :) Where in Canada are they going?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2008
My neighbour use to be Brazilian. He came over here about 2 years ago. A lot of people come to Canada.. we are very multi-cultured. I would love to go to Brazil sometime, it looks beautiful. I do love to ski, and I always do it in the winter...but western canada is way better for skiing because they have the large mountains. What are some of your hobbies?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2008
How are you? I am currently studying Travel & Tourism and i did learn a lot about Brazil, but i believe what you learn in the books in nothing compared to the knowledge you can learn from someone who is actually from there. I am currently working mostly on my spanish, and should have my certification in it by next year. I would be glad to help you with english. What do you do out there in Brazil?
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