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Giulia, 30 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 225.
inactive user
giuliaa how are u
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2010
hey! im waiting for ur message for long time but the news u leave, u a really nice girl~
so .be sure ull stay in touch with me !

my e-mail : [email protected]
inactive user
oh ok I'll messege my email :PP
inactive user
ohh why???what happened??
Yeah sure with great joy!
My facebook check out Vitalina Mariich
N my email: [email protected]

Hope to hear from u soon!see ya
inactive user
hi there..
inactive user
offcourse I think all tiziano's songs its so good
I dont know sere nere , vs
I just know non me lo spiegare
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2010
Orange ;D Hm... I don't know what colour is it, orange-brown... ;D
Oh, I'm so sorry about Your cat.
Venice?! Amazing :) France?! Amazing! You're so lucky :)) I was in Dresden on 'Weihnachtsfest', it's a big mart with Christmas' things, sweets (fruits in chocolate, apples in sugar and more). I bought a 'mouse' by pear in white chocolate with eyes, ears and nose by sweets xD It was great, because it was -20 C (freezy!), lot of snow - fabuluous! We were in Art Gallery of Big Masters, I saw famous paintings. Dresden is a very nice city. :)
Greetings! <3
inactive user
i didn't have the brethday party
because it's nearly the final test day
so it didn't have!! so sadddTT
inactive user
Japan don't have Carnival time then.... >_<
But I spent good day =) I went to cinema,ice skating stadium...
Venice !! So cool. I envy you XD
How about your days??
inactive user
thank you so much~~
^^ ok
hi! my name is In nice to meet you and i'm 16 years old><
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