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Eva, 28 y.o.
Kraków, Poland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 142.
inactive user
Yeah, I see. That's cool! :)
inactive user
Yes, I like both classical and modern. The music schools here I hear are pretty great, like Julliard...where I used to want to go. It's pretty far, yeah. xD What about over there?
inactive user
Hey! Thanks! Nice to meet you, too. :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2013
Have a great day! <3
inactive user
Hi there :D Yeah I like singing veeeery much!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2013
Hm...I can say so, but it's quite choral singing (I sing that way too, sometimes :D ). But I learn especially, how to sing like in operas for example : "Carmen""The Marriage of Figaro "etc...^^ Of course I can't sing like profesional singers, I'm only on the beginning of my way :D
inactive user
Like in Mozart's Requiem ?
inactive user
I'm fine too.
What do you mean by classical singing ?
inactive user
Hello Eva,
How are you?
Do you like Vocaloids? ><
And what other classical music do you like ?
inactive user
Yeah i'm alived too
but it's time for exam you know!! T.T
after exam period, i'll send you some good songs ^^
in facebook.
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