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Gidgetwht24, 26 y.o.
San Antonio, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2012
Thank you! Buone feste anche a te :) ! Well I think that the best time is from May to September...but maybe I say that because I love summer season...hahaha...LoL!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2012
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2011
Hey sorry for my really late reply...hahaha! How are you? I am fine's coming holiday buone feste...haha...LoL!
inactive user
Do you have msn maybe it's easier there?
inactive user
hey :DDD My Christmas was great thanks
Buone feste to you!
How are you doing?
inactive user
hey what's up?
inactive user
My university has actually got its own gym. But it's SO crowded, especially in the evening, that you have to wait a lot for machines...
I'm not sure, I think that if the timetable for my next semester is based on the afternoon I might go to the university gym on mornings. Otherwise I'll have to find another one, but they're usually much much more expensive :P
inactive user
Yes I do, even though I only train at home. But I have dumbbells, weights, a gym mat and some bands. I plan to go to a gym this winter, it'd be cool :)
inactive user
I'm doing great, thank you :D
Except we're melting here in Rome lol
Anyway it's cool that you go to the gym! How often do you go there?
inactive user
Buonasera ahah It's 6.15 pm here! How are you today?
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