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George, 49 y.o.
Ganta, Liberia [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2013
dear sir I'm alfredo from Italy. I'm looking for someone in Liberia who's interested in exchanging 1 card or letter from Italy for 1 letter from Liberia as I'm a collector of letters. Let me know. Tks. have a nice friday. Alfredo
inactive user
My name is Success Abdul.I saw your profile today i must confess it look loving and responsible i became interested,i will like us to know each other more better,You can write me
direct on( [email protected] )so i can send you my picture.
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2013
The world would not have been kept, if mothers were not formed and born. Mothers, you are so special and wonderful. The whole world is existing and happy today because of you. The whole world will exist to forever remain grateful to God for you because you live on. You are our pride, beauty, hope,and light when the world around us seems dark. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and may you live long and see many more to come in Jesus Name, Amen!
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2013
Hi, how are you?
inactive user
Loving your Profile !

So Glad you Love The Lord :)
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