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Gahee1201, 32 y.o.
Hong Kong, Hong Kong [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 117.
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2012
Can we snailmail???
inactive user
Yessss ! I love taiwanese drama too :D
My english isn't fluently I would like to speak english like I speak french. In my school this year I have 'english' and 'literature english' so in a few months I will speak nice :D I hope <3
Me too !!! I would like to study in Korea or China >:3
inactive user
Yes, "朋友" kkkkkk <3
I would like to study Korean but in france It's impossible excepted in Paris... but I live in the south so I haven't the possibility cuz no school. So I chose to learn chinese! :)
I heard that if we learn chinese or japanese before korean it will be more easy for learn korean after kkk cool~
Btw! Tomorrow I restart school, I don't want... chinese school seems fun xD (I saw Chinese school in Taiwanese drama... *-*)
inactive user
Haaa yes !!! 可爱~kkkk
Yes I love too ! My fav is Korean~It's a beautiful language... hum I think asian languages are the best ke'!
inactive user
Yes (: ! I'am the best in my class kkkkk ! It's a beautiful language, really. I saw you speak japanese and korean *-* I envy you~
inactive user
Hooo, the handwriting is different ? :U
inactive user
Np! ^-^

Yes of course!!! You speak chinese ? madarin or traditional? I learn chinese at school kkk
inactive user
thx for your comments <333 :D
inactive user
Hi! nice to meet you too ^-^
How are u?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2011
because u hav 남친T_T
sure^^! wow 너무 잘해요
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