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Fraser McRobert, 29 y.o.
Crosshouse, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 620.
inactive user
That's good! ^3^
I'm pretty good thanks. I can't remember if I replied to your last message or not.. Knowing me, I probably didn't. x-D Sorry! :-)
inactive user
Hey, how've y'all been? :-D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2012
Hello :)
Nice to meet you
How are you?
inactive user
YES, BUT TECHNICALLY HE'S ORANGE. x-D :-) BOOOOOO, I LOVE AUTUMN! My birthday's in Autumn. :-)
inactive user
YES, YOU DO. x-D Gingers can be tropical! Lol, I love ginger hair. :-)
MUAHAHAHA! SPRING SPRING SPRING SPRING. x-D It is! :-) Oh I've got to go, I'll talk to you later! *Hugs*
inactive user
Oh yeah, sorry I forgot what I said. x-D It's nearly Spring! :-) It's pretty good, thank you! :-D
inactive user
Yeah, maybe.. Well, you could put lots of small man eating guppies in? x-D Whoop! :-D What about winter? :-O Oh yeah, I forgot lol, it's only in New zealand. Try looking it up on google. :-D Okay lol! :-)
inactive user
OH NO, NOT THE SHARKS!! Maybe the stingrays? x-D I better reply to it then, lazy ol' me! x-D
*High five* I'm always fashionably bored! x-D Oh yes, are you excited? :-D Nothin' much aye brah, just been havin' a barbie with the cous's, ya know, nothin' much. *Drinks L&P* x-D

*Ahem* but yeah, nothing out of the ordinary. :-)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2012
I'LL LET YOU OFF THIS TIME! ;) I'll feed you to the sharks next time though :o...O.o Oh Yessssss. I have been fantastically bored. Uni is due to start! What about you? :)
inactive user
I'm sorry I didn't reply to yer MESSAGE! D-: BiggidabiggadibiggyBOO!
Yeah, you're mine too! :-D *Le epic high five* How've you been lately?
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