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Eufemia, 81 y.o.
Streamwood, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2017
By all means. What are you up to this summer ?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2016
Hello, hope you are doing well.
Please write when you get the chance. I'll be here !
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2015
No photos from Puerto Vallarta ?
inactive user
Hello ! Thought I'd write again before I go off to Puerto Vallarta next week for a while. Que tal tu ? I do hope you are keeping well.

I thought I'd give you another wee "revelacion" before I go. My new book should be out before Christmas. It is called "The Victim's Face". I wanted you to tell me I've got these details right in it! In Chapter 19 two Irishmen go off to see the Chicago White Sox play in 1956. They fly from La Guardia Airport in New York to arrive at Midway Airport, Chicago. They go to the North Side to eat at Don Stein's "Romanian" Steak House before the game and see Mickey Mantle (for the Yankees) win it for them at Comiskey Park. Do you reckon that sounds authentic? If not, you can put me right !!!

I will have WiFi when I am away (3 weeks) but it won't be as easy to write as it is at home. At least there will be some sunshine.

Espero que todo esta bien para ti!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2015
Hi Fem,
That's a nice quote on your wall. How do you like IL ?
Write when you can !
inactive user
Not sure what happened after I sent my message 26th Oct. but I hope you are keeping well. Suerte!
inactive user
Tu letra era muy interesante! No pasa nada el espanol! Era perfectamente comprensible. It's good to have your children quite near you. We see our grandkids just about every weekend and they stay with us in Spain for 3-4 weeks every summer. Its good fun!. I don't have many good friends but a lot of acquaintances. I talk with my local friends every Saturday night at the Comrades Club in town. I go to church twice a month. We are a small group and quite scattered so we don't meet more often.
The conjugation you probably needed was the Imperfect of tener, meaning I was , ie. tenia.But your Spanish is just fine.

Trabajo (sin pago!) en mi oficina , arriba en nuestra casa. Yo investigo o escribo para mis libros. Al momento estudio "the proofs" de mi ultimo libro. Tarda mucho tiempo pero mi esposa prepara la cena cuando bajo las escaleras! Nos encontramos por la tarde algunos dias. Funciona muy bien!
How big is your town? Ours is a small town outside a much bigger one. There is a lot of countryside around us and we walk with the rest of the family at weekends if we can. I will put up a pic on my wall showing the sort of place where we go. Jamie
inactive user
Your "EngSpa" is just fine. Chinese and Philippine is a fantastic mix and there must be a great story about your family settling in the US. Do you see your children very often or do they live a long way away?
Ayer habian once miembros de me familia en Durham. Fuimos al museo Oriental que tiene muchas cosas de China y Japon. Los cuatro nietos se disfrutaban mucho!
Have you lots of friends where you are and do you go out together?
inactive user
My pleasure to write back. I used to do a little Spanish teaching to adults in night classes and I go a lot to Spain and, increasingly, to Mexico. I have no excuse for not speaking some Spanish. Please use your Spanish to me. I will help where I can.
Nuestra boda de oro estara en 2016!!! Estabamos de novios de la edad de dieciseis anos. Tenemos un hijo y una hija que viven quince y cincuenta millas de nosotros. Tambien, tenemos cuatro nietos de cinco a once anos.
What about you and your family? English or Spanish, I don't mind.
Good to be able to write to you but tell me if I become too boring!
inactive user
Hello Femme. Thanks for the note. Not sure about "intelligent" but I seem to know quite a bit and most of it and most of it is probably useless!!!

Quisiera escribir a ti pero tengo muy olvidado el espanol !
Quizas mejorare con mucho mas practica.

Sinceramente, Jamie
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