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Sebastian, 30 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 66.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2015
hehe... no, to Uganda...#theIrony
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2015
Easy business for you, start exporting Finnish women there!!!! hehe
inactive user
Haha, yeah for who never listen it it could sound funny and weird! Is not "nigga" but probably "naega" that means "I/me" xD for this misunderstanding some songs got censored in USA...
Well, is not that they can't.....most of them engage in a relationship between idols.........but yeah, I guess that it could be the reason of the rest of them who don't!
Btw, nope! my fav group is EXO ^ ^ of WINNER I like just a song or two... but I like their rapper (the one who sang one of the songs i linked you), love his voice :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2015
Yes, I do
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2015
It's really cool to live in a city with a heroic history!)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2015
Virginia :D the state.. you said it reminds you of.. what was it..
inactive user
inactive user
No problem, enjoy it! ^ ^ (or not, who knows lol)
inactive user
I'm a veteran, don't worry! they look the same just because you're not used to see them, it's happend with everyone! xD and you probably seen the most recent group if you say that the haircuts are different!! mmh... let's try with these:

These are few songs I like that I think sounds good, but feel free to judge them, I'm so used to listen it that probably sounds the same but I can't say it!
inactive user
Especially the first songs of every groups! but that's more personal, there's a lot of artists that make same music and a lot that are more original! oh, be careful to whom you say that, you're lucky that I'm the kind type of fan who dosen't care about kpop so much, because if you find the obsessed one you'll be probably killed by verbal assault! lol
(kidding, hope nobody will verbal kill me after reading this.. xD)
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