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Monika, 32 y.o.
Łódź, Poland [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 646.
inactive user
thaanks 8)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2011
Thank you for viewing my profile ^^
inactive user
i just simply forgot :D luckily my morning shifts are over noooowww =)) so i can be lively again!
inactive user
yep youre too awesome :D i cannot hang out with person more awesome than me ;D ok im tired :DD and also too tired to translate you my finnish beautiful words. I have morning shift tomorrow as well and im damn tired, ive been up too late now :D tomorrow morning i will be a zombie
inactive user
how you can remember so clearly what we were talking! :D cause now when i read it, i remember i was talking like this and we got photos where i was staring at the camera :D
inactive user
nienie angielsku or whattteveer nie wiem how to write it! :D i was writing you sososososoos nice things in formal finnish! :)
inactive user
miten menee? Minua ei väsytä yhtään vaikka pitäisi mennä jo nukkumaan. Aamulla pitää herätä aikaisin aamuvuoroon..ei kiinnosta yhtään. Yllättävää :D Tule jo tänne...! On tylsää ilman sinua! :( olet rakas muru.
inactive user
so why you asked what it means? :D
inactive user
umm??? emilia had commented that on my photo a while ago? :o
inactive user
explanations ;D
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