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Eunmi, 31 y.o.
Wŏnju, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 230.
inactive user
I hope we can snail mail soon!!
inactive user
Hi there, I have a new computer so we can talk all the time ^-^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2008
Hii! I have been trying to send u e-mail,
but my e-mail wont let me do it. :O
It doesn't accept your e-mail addres. :<
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2008

Hi Eunmi!
I'm super fine thanks for asking! ;>
School is almost over, and I'm very happy about that.
Today and yesterday has raining all day. ;<
And here is kinda cold, some about +1 degrees. ;SS
My b-day is 26.5, anymore 19 days left when I'm 16 years. 8)))
I promise to write some email to you! ;>

Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2008
Hello! 8)
How are u my friend? <3 ;>>
I have been sick, but I'm feeling better now.
Here in Finland sun is shining and here is some +25 degrees warm.
And couple weeks ago we have snow and ice in our yard. O____O
That's so odd! But I love summer, I can't wait when my birthday party comes! 26.5 I will be 16 years old. 8)) I'm so excited about it!
And my primary school end after 4 weeks!
But I'm going to high school, so my studies is not over. ;SS

BTW, what's your real name? ;)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2008
thats ok, my yahoo is blackphenixgodess
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2008
i would love to be your friend!!!
inactive user
i\'m fine too:]
what are you doing@@?
inactive user
hi eunmi!!!!!! hahahhahah do you remember me? oO how are you?
inactive user
thank you :]
wats up??
hows school
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